It's been a while coming, but new colors are slowly being made available for guitar straps and misc. leather goods all over the shop.
And remember, everything is hand dyed around here. More art than science.
HOLMES spotting.
Ambient / drone metal master Stephen O'Malley (Sunn O))), KTL) with a black custom floral on his Travis Bean. Dunk Festival, 3.29.13.
Photo + video originate via
Wilco, Sydney Opera House, 4.3.13.
Jeff Tweedy + Rickenbacker + HOLMES skinny.
Desert excellence. See first song---Phil Cook burning up Coachella with a HOLMES custom strap. If you've got an hour, watch the three parts of the set. The Shouting Matches is Justin Vernon (Bon Iver), Phil Cook (Megafaun), and Brian Moen.